Thursday, January 24, 2008


This is for any viewers who saw me today while my dad was lecturing me about who-knows-what.

It's ok. I've heard that same lecture at least twice. Dad doesn't like me locking my door and asking who it is when people knock. He says I act like I'm above them when I do that.

So basically I'm just frustrated. I've been sick for days and have taken a break from broadcasting in order to recooperate. Today was actually going to be another break but I decided to broadcast for a bit. Dad comes in here saying I never spend time with the family...only after spending about 3 hours with him just about an hour or so earlier.

I'm exhausted. Why doesn't 21 get here faster? And why don't I have a larger paycheck so I can buy a house? I think I'm gonna buy another lottery ticket.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

I felt literally sick watching that, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I can't say anything other than it really put my trivial issues into perspective. I genuinely care about you, if that's over-personal for a blog comment I'm sorry, but I'd literally go through hell for you. If you need me, you know I'd be there for you...

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Texas, United States
I'm Jane, an internet lifecaster.