Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Official Quittin Time.

As you can tell, 2008 has been a very interesting year so far. I think it's been changing for the better as well.

Number One Change:
The office job is out the door!! Today was my last day and, let me tell you, it was great to finally get out. I felt bad leaving all the good people behind but leaving my manager was...priceless. I told her off a couple times today too.

Angie: "Hey, don't we have some inquiries to answer? +30 day service orders to handle?"
Me: "No."

Heh...I don't know why but that tickled me. Another one was this.

Angie: "You know, you should stay. I can work with your school schedule. We're getting 2 trained workers over in our area Monday so that will help with hours."
Me: (laughing) "That's funny. Sorry, I'd have to decline."

Man, she cracks me up how much she cares when people leave because of her actions. While I'm there, she could care less about how stressed I am. I seriously think she was listening in on my phone conversations with techs telling them why I'm moving on. Nosy...nosy...nosy. Haha.

Number Two Change:
New car! Oh yeah. It's awesome. I got $3000 credit toward the purchase of a new car for crushing my Elantra and "saving the planet". It's some cleanTXair something or another that Al Gore or someone is trying to push. Hey, if I get a new car, I'm all in. Anyway, I got a Kia Spectra and it is nice. Compared to my Hyundai, it is a Lexus. Compared to a Lexus, it's my Hyundai... But really, it's nice. I can drive down the highway without having to worry about stopping all of a sudden and getting smashed by the car behind me. This thing has working windshield wipers and an mp3 player hookup! It even has a CD player! I'm telling you this car is seriously, not to use the term loosely, "teh rox0rz" and it will be mine forever.
Or...until the 10 year/100,000 mile warranty expires.

Now, I'm in for one more change that might not even happen if I keep playing with my feelings like I do, but that's something I'm not ready to discuss on here.

Okay! I'm ready for Starbucks now.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Cool! I wish I could have gotten $3000 for my old crap car. Awesome though, but keep this one clean :D

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Texas, United States
I'm Jane, an internet lifecaster.