Tuesday, September 22, 2009

World Habitat Day

Did you know:
- About 95 million people, one third of the nation, have housing problems including a high-cost burden, overcrowding, poor quality shelter and homelessness. (National Low Income Housing Coalition: 2004)

- UN-Habitat has reported that because of poor living conditions, women living in slums are more likely to contract HIV/AIDS than their rural counterparts, and children in slums are more likely to die from water-borne and respiratory illness. (UN-HABITAT: 2006)

- The number of low-income families that lack safe and affordable housing is related to the number of children that suffer from asthma, viral infections, anemia, stunted growth and other health problems. About 21,000 children have stunted growth attributable to the lack of stable housing; 10,000 children between the ages of 4 and 9 are hospitalized for asthma attacks each year because of cockroach infestation at home; and more than 180 children die each year in house fires attributable to faulty electrical heating and electrical equipment. (Sandel, et al: 1999)

These are very real situations going on in not just the United States but all over the world. Many people are living in, and some not even in unsuitable housing that you can't even consider a "home".

I have teamed up with Habitat for Humanity to help spread the word about World Habitat Day. The United Nations has designated the first Monday of October (this year it is October 5th, 2009) to be the day of awareness toward human habitat. You might remember back in my Fiesta Movement Mission #4 when I volunteered at a ReStore. This really got me hooked onto the organization and what it stands for.

World Habitat Day 2009

This year Habitat for Humanity is holding a photo petition to raise awareness. President Obama, in a speech, said that "it all starts at home." What better way to raise awareness that human health and well-being starts with having a simple, decent place to live than to create a petition based on this phrase? Habitat's goal is to collect 500 photos on their Flickr group so that they may present the photos as a petition to deliver to the White House in honor of World Habitat Day 2009.

Remember to educate others and educate
yourself about Habitat for Humanity's goal. Check out their resources and find ways to help out the world, starting with your own community. There might be people in your workplace, at your school, behind you in the grocery store checkout line, that might be struggling with their housing situation and nobody knows about it. We need a way to show those people that we care and we want to help.

Want to help from right where you're sitting? Donate today to Habitat for Humanity and help families build a better life.

Join Habitat for Humanity’s photo petition! Habitat needs our help to remind President Obama that human health and well-being starts with having a simple, decent place to live. Join me in reminding the U.S. government that “It all starts at home.” Visit http://www.habitat.org/gov/take_action/WHD_Photo_Petition.aspx
, and follow the instructions to post your photo to Flickr.
If you submit your photo by September 25, 2009, Habitat will deliver your photo to the White House in honor of World Habitat Day 2009

World Habitat Day info: http://worldhabitatdaynews.com/
Habitat for Humanity homepage: http://www.habitat.org
Habitat for Humanity Twitter page: http://twitter.com/Habitat_org
Habitat for Humanity Flickr group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1190924@N23/
Habitat for Humanity Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/habitat

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mission 5 is in the works.

ADVENTURE MONTH IS ON US. Goodness gracious I cannot believe I actually picked this months mission. I'm nervous more about my ankles breaking rather than the act of it.

You'll find out soon what I'm to do in a week from today.

I never really got to chat about Mission 4. It went great! I had a blast helping out Habitat for Humanity...behind the scenes! I grabbed a couple buddies and we went and volunteered 4 hours at the H4H ReStore to clean/build/move things, pretty much whatever or where ever they needed us! Click here to see the video and pictures from it all.

I started school up again. I'm only taking 2 classes, Principles of Marketing and Keyboarding (aka. Typing). Both are great classes and things I'm actually interested in. I'm about 4 weeks ahead on the lessons in my keyboarding software so I don't really have to worry about that. Marketing is extremely interested and I can now see where I my fascination of customers/trends/demographics is going to be focused on once I graduate and get situated!

Which reminds me.... I have homework to do.

Alright, time for another entry of Nostalgic Jane. (Go back to Entry 1)

Entry 11: February 8, 2005
I just remembered another thing that happened between Daniel and me. It was my turn, one summer day, to pick the game to play. Well, being the girly-girl I was, I decided we should have a wedding. The boys groaned. I don't know how but I persuaded them to be part of my wedding. Jeffery decided to be the preacher, Daniel was forced to be the groom, and I, of course, volunteered to be the bride.

Setting up for the wedding wasn't very hard. We decided to have the wedding in Jeffery's next-door neighbor's front yard since she had pretty flowers in her garden.

Jeffery and Daniel stood at the garden as I slowly walked up to them holding a bouquet of dandilions. Jeffery cleared his throat and began, "Dearly loved, we are here today so Daniel and Jane can get married..." He paused while I giggled. "Um...do you guys have rings?" he looked at us.

"Yeah." Daniel tied a piece of grass into a circle. I did the same.

"Okay. Now give each other your rings." I handed my ring to Daniel as I tried to put mine on but it broke.

"Oh well." I shrugged.

"Okay." Jeffery grinned. "You have to kiss the bride!"

Daniel looked at me wide-eyed and blushing as I kissed him on the cheek.

My Profile

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Texas, United States
I'm Jane, an internet lifecaster.