Yes! I went today to go buy my first lotto ticket. My fortune cookie read "Your courage will guide your future" and it had some nifty lotto numbers on the back so I figured,
Heck. Might as well.So me and my buddy drive to the Valero corner store and walk inside to try and find the lottery thing. You know, that red thing that people are always at in commercials, filling out their numbers and stuff? We don't find one. I look around and realize its all at the counter so we go up there.
The man asks me, "Can I help you, ma'am?"
I don't know what to say. Uh... "I'd like a lottery ticket," and I look down at the little lotto ticket holder on the counter.
"Sure, which one?"
"Uh..." I don't know what it's called!! "A...
regular one?" I kind of stand their staring at him blankly.
I think he finally realized what I was talking about because he said, "The lottery is already done for the day."
Another blank stare as I'm standing there looking ridiculous carrying a piece of paper with my so-called 'lucky numbers' on it.
"Would you like another ticket?"
Quickly I say, "Sure. Anything."
"Okay, do you want one for Tuesday? Wednesday? Maybe a scratch-off?"
"Sure. Um...yeah."
He cocks his head. "Which one would yo--"
"Anything. Just anything would be cool." I quickly interrupt him. I feel enough of a dork to be standing there with the whole store looking at me.
"Oh. okay. Um..." He punches some numbers into his little machine thing and then hands me the ticket. "That'll be--
Now this was my turn to blankly stare at him. "How much??!"
He gives me 'the look'. "One dollar,
So yes. Another awesome experience of this year! My first lottery ticket.
I get in the car afterwards and my buddy congratulates me for going through with it. Then I ask, " do I know if I win?"
After much argument and the turning on and off of the dome light in his car to read the back of the ticket, we finally agree that we have no idea.
And here I am, reading up on the internet to find out how to win. I found out that he gave me the ticket for Tuesday's lottery. I guess I read the newspaper or look somehow online? I think I'll just check on to see if I won. I mean, heck. $19,600,000 doesn't sound bad for $1. I could buy a new car and new computers with that. I could BUY education! Sweet. Let's see how this goes!