Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I'm getting my replacement Fiesta Movement/Threadless shirt mailed to me! I'm so excited because I really loved this months shirt but I keep receiving the wrong size so there's no way for me to wear/promote! (Yes, the replacement is ALSO the wrong size but at least its a size bigger, not 3 sizes too small! Eek!) Woot for awesome Fiesta Movement gear!

I haven't been talking much about El Ninja Turtle Fiesta have I? Well, I hit 4900 finally! Or was it 4800? Hm...not sure. Anyway, the car is still running awesommmmmme. It's extremely smooth and so fun to drive around. Everyone who comments on it has something good to say about its style and performance (if I let them play around with it). It still could use a dome light in the back seat, especially when I'm carting around my brother at night and he drops something on the floor or I have to clean up Rice Krispies off the back seat.

My Mission #4 is TOMORROW! I'm going to help out a ReStore for Habitat for Humanity. If you've never heard of the organization, look into it! It's an awesome cause and I'd really love to help build a home one of these days! You should too! I'll actually be helping out the ReStore, which works sort of like a Goodwill/Salvation Army store. The money from the sales of all the donations goes toward supplies used toward the homes. It's real interesting and I can't wait to help as much as I can!

Onto the Nostalgic Janeblog! Start from the beginning if you haven't already!

Entry 9: January 27, 2005

Ode to a Tree (not in poem form)

Ode to a tree, how thou hast provided my shade from the dangerous ultraviolet rays from the sun. Waving in the wind, thou hast turned the carbon dioxide from my mouth into oxygen. What a wonderful feeling it is to see pictures of jungles and see a vast variety of deep green fluffs amongst the ground. Thou hast given thy life for my school supplies. Oh, how I need paper and pencils. I thank thee. I love thee so much for all of the habitats you provide for the squirrel, and the bird, and the koala, and the orangutan, and the raccoon, and the runaway child. Oh, runaway child. I love thee also. Do not be scared. Run home! Where was I? Oh yes. Tree. Oh how I love to see thee at Christmastime dressed in lovely decorations of crimson. Thou hast also provided heat for me in the yonder fireplace. Trees. Trees. Ode to trees. Thank ye ever so much for all ye hast given to me.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

We have a ReStore here, it has an award winning coffee shop too. If anyone needs anything for their house, look there! All the money goes to helping Habitat for Humanity like Jane said. It's run by volunteers.

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Texas, United States
I'm Jane, an internet lifecaster.