So, here I am "getting ready for church". I feel I've been neglecting my blog. Sorry about that. I just don't think about it until Bobby gets onto me for not checking it out in a month. Haha, I just don't have anything interesting to say sometimes!
Well, the Christmas rush is over now and MAN was it busy. I loved the rush but I'm so glad that the closing shift's duty doesn't revolve around cleaning the all day mess we get. Seriously, the dishes were always stacked and on the floors right after we closed the doors to wash them. I don't know, maybe its just me but washing them was relaxing after working bar.

We got this awesome new Starbucks card. I had to get one because it just makes so much sense. I'll try and make a vlog about it soon. I should go and register it now.
Oh I'm finally getting closer to registering for classes. It's about time too... Classes start on the 20th and I'm not excited about it. I'm going to try and take Macroeconomics, US Government, and Business and Professional Communications. They don't seem too exciting, but I really need to get out of school and onto this Marketing Degree. After these 3 classes, I'll have 2 more classes left of the first half of my degree, then I can work on the rest. I'm pretty much just going to follow the Marketing program and somehow veer into online marketing. Not sure how that's going to happen though. Now that I think about it, where the heck did I pull online marketing from? Eh. I still want to do it.
Well, I love you and all. Watch this video and you'll see why.
Oh and I used to have a crush on a guy in this video back when I knew him in... middle school? See if you can guess which one he is.
1 comment:
I'd guess the red head.
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