So obviously I haven't been broadcasting as much as I'd like to but I still think about you guys! Stay strong and keep up with me on Twitter! I'll see you once summer hits!

Jane's Doritos Casserole
Feeds: 1,000,000 (or 6-ish humans, depending on who or what you are feeding)
Prep + Cook: about 1 hour, depending on how multitask-ready you are
[ ] 2 - 10.5oz cans Cream of Mushroom soup
[ ] 1.5 cups water
[ ] 1 - 10oz can Rotel tomatoes, diced
[ ] 1 - 12oz bag Nacho Cheese Doritos
[ ] 1.5 cups chopped onions
[ ] 1 lb ground beef
[ ] 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
[ ] 1 - 15.5oz can pinto beans
[ ] 1 box Spanish style Rice-a-Roni
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Cook rice according to recipe (will take about 20 minutes) but do NOT add tomatoes to rice. Set aside.
3. Cook beans according to recipe. Set aside.
2. Bring soup, water, and tomatoes to a boil in a separate pan.
3. Brown the beef with the onion.
4. Layer the bottom of a casserole dish with slightly crushed Doritos. You can just crush it while the bag is sealed. Easy.
5. Add a layer of ground beef, a layer of rice, a layer of soup mixture, a layer of beans, and a layer of Doritos.
6. Continue until all ingredients are used.
7. Top with all the delicious cheese.
8. Bake in oven for 25-30 minutes on the middle rack.
9. Eat!
"The time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things. Of shoes and ships, and sealing wax, and [a box of crapful things]."