SUBJ: Skillz Contest
Hello! I'm just touching base with you for a contest! You better hurry because entries are due SOON!!
Create a fan sign to put up on my channel! It will look something, hopefully better, like this pic.

All signs need to be "hard copies". Basically something you create with either pen and paper, paint and canvas, needlework, whatever you think is most creative! No photoshopping! Just you and your work! All you have to do is take a picture, upload and email it!
The fan sign that is the most creative and most captures what I am will be featured on my banner and you'll be given a $15 Starbucks gift card! (I believe the new spring card was made to replicate the Twitter bird. I love it!)

There you go! Anyone can enter! One will win! Just email all your submissions to by March 31, 2009 11:59pm US CST! There's only a couple days so get them in!
Good luck!
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