1. Eat before you go shopping. It helps you save money. When you're hungry and happen to walk down the oatmeal/cereal row, everything looks so... freaking... delicious. I literally have gone down the foreign foods aisle and started craving curry sauce.

2. Sing as loud as you can to music when you drive at night. Scream if you have to. The louder the song, the better. This way your mind is awake and you're not drowsing off into dreamland (which happens to be the next ditch or underpass).
ADDED BONUS: It will keep other drivers alert if they see you screaming at your windshield. Oh no...I'm sharin' the road with one of them crazed maniacs.

3. Sell your textbooks early. Yup, another money saving tip but seriously publishers come out with a new edition almost every freaking year. Wait too long and no one's gonna buy your book back. That's $3,215,890,813 you paid for that stupid thing down the drain.

4. Create and save an ongoing Christmas list. I know once December hits, I'm not thinking about what I want to get for Christmas, I'm more stressed about what to get everyone else. As the year progresses, remember things that would be nice to have and create a Christmas List Word Document. Know what I thought up today? Ross gift card. Yeah. Original. I should probably change it to a Charlotte Russe gift card. Yup. Much better.

5. Change and/or wash your bedsheets and blanket at LEAST once every month. Just do it. Please. It seems like it should be common sense but you'd be surprised how many people don't.

6. Aaaand watch JaneTV. :) Had to throw it in. Oh and also my lovey dovey website.
Got some feedback earned, lessons learned? Comment below on what you've learned in the last year.